We cannot begin to understand the depths of our predicament until we face reality with eyes, hearts and minds that are unafraid and unflinching.
Look around, what happened since the virus has been called a “pandemic” in March of 2020? What has changed for you? For hospitals? For the way we live our lives? You already know, you’ve seen the panic of those who rushed to hoard toilet paper, the directional-arrows placed on the grocery floor, the draconian measures of those who could not visit dying loved ones in hospitals or to arrange funerals to honor their memory.
You have seen the vilification of those who have opposed the manufactured narrative. You have witnessed the censorship. The lack of investigative journalism. The lies spewed by untrustworthy politicians, doctors, scientists, executives and the impotence of our corrupted system of justice in full disarray.
You are aware of the masks placed upon our children and even babies, as they were told to stay “six feet apart” from one another until classes were cancelled and schooling was done over the computer. Setting children back years in development, traumatizing their minds through ignorance buttressed by figures of “authority” and betrayed by their very own parents.
You were there and you already know the level of complicity for which you and others are to be held accountable.
Should you be reading these words and thinking, “we had to take precautions, we were afraid!” then you are a FOOL and ought to be dismissed as such for the signs and proofs of this fraudulent deception were frequent and many, should one have eyes and mind to arrest and comprehend the vast amounts of data that proved otherwise.
It does not take six months for a “vaccine” to be developed, tested, declared safe and then released en masse to the public when it formerly has taken between five to ten years to accomplish the same. This was merely ONE indication that something was amiss and worthy of further scrutiny. It was never about trusting the “science” but to trust your own level of discernment and investigate accordingly. Not allow others do the thinking for you.
There were many red flags to have taken notice of and to develop skepticism by. Access to the near-limitless information that the internet provides leaves us without the convenient excuse of pleading our ignorance.
Yet, it seems that more than 50% of the world’s population have been fooled. Deceived. Manipulated into accepting these… substances into their bodies of which the long-term effects remain unknown but the immediate effects are well seen.
The parallels between this and the book of Revelation appears clear once it is known who the “beast” truly is and what it means to be “marked” by it.
Yet, we cannot trust even scripture once a learned mind re-evaluates all that it has once believed, for lies and deception have contaminated every facet of our lives and stretches back as far as recorded history allows.
Discernment has always been of paramount importance. Now more painfully than ever in all of our existence.
The learned mind offers merely a glimpse into the criminality of those responsible for our approaching enslavement; the heart already knows and confirms these truths, but the mind refuses to embrace the horrors of what is being impressed upon and cavorts about, looking for fictions to bring itself comfort.
So thus, a great many have turned to deluding themselves, even “truthers” who swear by another election that will somehow turn the tide once their favored candidate gets to be placed into the seat of power. Without their comprehending, that no single man nor woman is able to enact justice within a corrupt and manipulated system. A system designed to protect and serve the “controllers”, the “elites” who “lord” above us all — pawns, bishops, kings and queens of a deadly game being played right before our eyes.
A game that is soon coming to an end.
A game that will be “reset”.
I say all this not to alarm but to echo, the thoughts of those who may not have expressed but know such things to be true. To demonstrate solidarity among those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. I say this not to bring comfort, but to bring warning and reminder of what is soon to come.
These ARE the times. The times when difficult choices present themselves. Do we continue along as we have? Adopting fictions and believing the “beast” [system] is worth preserving? Protecting? Prolonging?
No. I do not feel that it is and deep inside, I am certain you are feeling the same.
Yet what is the productive approach to take? Do we take action to impress change upon our environment? Our politics? Our once trusted institutions of learning and medicine? Can the integrity of investigative journalism be restored? Can the lies and omissions of the mainstream media somehow be reformed? Should we continue to hold faith in the old ways of living?
Or do we admit with honesty that all have failed and fallen short?
Because they have. You know it as well as I do.
The social contract has been destroyed. Shredded. We are NOT going to return to life as it once was.
2020 was aptly declared the year of seeing clearly. With 20/20 vision we were given a look at the operating system behind our civilization. The rules and laws that inhibited and prevented us from living freely and able to make our own decisions were grotesquely amplified for all to see. We were then given a wide peek into the base nature of mankind, as it emptied stores of toilet paper and food, in panic and senseless herd mentality.
As we approach the third year of the “virus” first being reported in November of 2019 — we must find courage to claim honesty in ourselves.
This cannot last. This system CANNOT stand.
And those who in fear/obedience have taken the “mark” designating their compliance towards the beast [system], will already have chosen a side.
Willful ignorance of this choice is a sin against the Creator who has given us faculties of intuition and intelligence and in reward has seen its creation degenerate into animals who desire to be treated as such. Controlled, corralled, fearful of breaking the “law” and acquiescing to the absurdities demanded of them.
It is said that a camel can more easily pass through the eye of a needle, than a rich man is able to get into heaven. For this statement is one of esoteric significance as it declares that we are not our possessions and when parsed further, are not our attachments and desires, nor are we our flesh and blood bodies for the eye of a needle is small, and only the most vital of essence is able to fit itself through.
We are not animals created by the mere accident of evolution.
We are IMMORTAL BEINGS. Trapped inside a loop of time.
And time is death, for each passing second brings us closer to our divine appointment. It will not be missed nor avoided or bargained against.
Death comes for us all.
Knowing this I ask, whose master do you serve?
Do you stand with the truth, or the illusion?
One cannot serve both. One must make a decision.
There will come a day when many will not be able to work, engage in commerce, travel or utilize any of the services we once had every right towards. There will come a time when a social credit system and an electronic currency will be such that pariahs and soldiers of truth will be ostracized and shunned to participate in the slave system that is being constructed around us as we speak.
There will arrive a time for the choice to have to be made. TRUTH or ILLUSION? The decision will be difficult, for the higher road leads towards an uncharted desert where water and rest is not assured to be found.
The courage required to walk the path of truth will be the hardest journey for anyone to embark upon. It is not for the faint of heart, it will be especially punishing to those who harbor attachments, including to that of their own children and spouses who may not share their sensibilities and are perhaps caught in illusions of their own.
Yet again I ask, who do you serve?
Our system is broken. It was designed to be from the start. Elections have become “s-elections” and the will of the majority have proven themselves incompetent, ill-informed or dispassionate that they can no longer be trusted to make an educated decision. Even if they could, it still would not matter, for if voting changed anything, it would be made illegal.
For those who have awakened partially to the truth, they still are rendered subservient against powers and principalities that now openly mock us and our children. Training them to accept degeneracy while insulating from them the realities of our world. Powers that lurk behind fronts we’ve grown accustomed towards, the faces at podiums worked from behind by puppet masters whose strings are largely invisible to the many of us.
There will be no ascension to “5D consciousness” on the collective plane, there will be no “savior” to arrive and “save” us from ourselves, there will be no galactic federation, quantum financial system, ascended masters or heroic doses of mind-altering substances that will somehow propel humanity to become an intelligent, reasonable and heart-centered species. A species able to acknowledge the divine spark contained in the one and the all and the dignity that accompanies such realizations.
There will however, be politicians working tirelessly for our enslavement. Directing cattle to either the left or the right lane, but arriving at the slaughter house just the same.
At the end of the day, whose master will you have served?
Let us take time to understand that much of our vanities and abundances have come at a very high cost. For Western civilization has been built upon the backs of the more than 30% of people on this planet, who toil in hardship and poverty so that we continue to consume and plunder the planet of its resources.
We have enjoyed our privileges at the expense of “an-other”. We have in ignorance, forgotten the plight of those who suffer so that we could thrive. We have become no better than the “masters” above us who have made us into their slaves, as we have made others into slaves for ourselves.
What then, is to be done? Activism? Beating a drum and marching on the streets will not reverse changes that have been planned out for decades if not centuries! Socialism cannot work either. The encroachment of a socialist “utopia” will reveal itself to be no more than a new style of prison, one where we are expected to pretend that the bars surrounding us are preferable to one where no bars are seen at all.
All designed for your “safety” of course.
To protect us from ourselves.
What can only be done to break these chains, is to remain in service of Truth. To “real eyes”/realize the immortality and sovereignty of one’s soul, and to walk the path alone if need be, in solidarity with those who are able to see the divine light of creation within them. Souls who are awake and deeply troubled by the illusory world that they have been born into. Knowing that this has been a proving ground all along and that our bodies are rentals, to eventually be returned to its rightful owner.
It is both the curse and blessing of a sensitive and loving being to be shown the darker side of truth. However, it is a curse only when divinity and our true nature is denied and disbelieved. Once death can be stared into its eyes and given the proverbial middle-finger — we then acknowledge the potency of our true power and realize how important and special each of us actually are.
We transcend death.
We transcend time.
We are infinite and glorious beings animated by a spirit that can never be destroyed and will not allow itself to be usurped of its power.
We no longer accept the ouroboros of perpetual imprisonment. The snake devouring it’s own tail. The endless cycles of time and death. The wheel of the cosmos spinning with mathematical precision as it enters each of the constellations, spawning for itself a new cAGE for humanity to fall under the diabolical spell of.
For the snake has now reached the end of it’s tail/tale, and is soon to devour itself and our freedoms along with it. Future generations will look back on these times to wonder, how could all this could have been allowed to happen. Assuming they are given access to the uncensored facts.
What will your choices be?
Where will they take you?
What must be done to prepare?
What are you willing to give up?
The answer comes in perfect silence.
For only the heart truly knows.
It knows that the gate is narrow and the road is long.
And that the walls of our prison are fast closing in.
Choose wisely, o’ troubled soul.
For nothing matters more.
Nothing is of greater importance.
Than to affirm whose master you serve.
Wishing you all success to see you in realms where our divine birthright declares us to be. Many blessings to souls old and new upon their journey.
May your light ever shine past the end of all time. 🌞
Namaste 🙏