(note: I am challenging myself to write every day for 30 days. What follows may not necessarily be interesting or even coherent. Parental discretion is advised.)
By now you’re likely aware of the recent tensions escalating between America and Iran in the wake of Trump’s controversial decision to assassinate a highly-decorated and respected Iranian general named Qasem Soleimani which has lead to a shit-storm of epic proportions on the news, Twitter and basically all social and mainstream media.
People are thinking that this is how World War III starts. That the assassination is on par with Franz Ferdinand and history is going to repeat itself and Americans between the age of 18 and 25 are all going to get drafted to go to war. Yes, the hysteria is real.
The Selective Service is an organizational arm of the US Government that gathers and maintains information on military eligibility. Shortly after the news of Soleimani being killed by a U.S. drone strike, “panic” about a forthcoming draft has lead the service to crash and experience issues.
The hysteria has gotten so ridiculous that celebrities like Rose McGowan and John Cusack have tweeted their “support” for Iran and implored them not to retaliate against the U.S.
The backlash from McGowan’s Tweet resulted in her later having to “walk back” her apology.
War. It always brings out the worst in people.
As a lover of conspiracies, I have been fascinated with American politics ever since George Bush was elected in 2000 under suspicious circumstances. It was later revealed that his narrow margin of victory over Al Gore was helped along by fraudulent and shady tactics including the rigging of voting machines and deciding not to count ballots by hand when it was revealed both candidates were deadlocked at 245 electoral votes each. Look at this:
Bush and Al Gore. The Florida vote was ultimately settled in Bush’s favor by a margin of 537 votes when the U.S. Supreme Court, in Bush v. Gore, stopped a recount that had been initiated upon a ruling by the Florida Supreme Court.
I remember those days well. It seemed like Al (“I invented the internet”) Gore was going to become the next president of the United States until he wasn’t. Why he didn’t appeal the Supreme Court decision not to do a recount is beyond comprehension. As a conspiracy buff, maybe he was told to stand down by the powers that be. Or maybe it was because Bush’s brother Jeb was Governor of Florida at the time and greased all the right palms to ensure the Bush family dynasty would live on.
There is so much evidence of manipulation and conspiracy within the American government that it has formed the lens by which I am now looking at the Iranian situation with.
As puzzling and complex as the issues are of the Middle East, one thing that I know for sure is that many players have their hats in the ring. Iranians, ISIS, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Germany, and so on. The phrase “cui bono?” or “who benefits?” is difficult to answer when so many people and organizations stand to benefit from the assassination of General Soleimani.
One entity that certainly would welcome a new war is the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about almost sixty years ago.
Another entity who could benefit are the Russians. Imagine if you will, as anti-American sentiment rises in Iran for them to seek support from countries that aren’t sympathetic to American politics. Such as Russia or China. You can see from here how the framework for WWIII could take shape should Putin and China ally themselves together in order to defeat the evil American imperialist war machine.
But as I said, I am a conspiracy buff and “cui bono” may be pointing most in the direction of Israel which has been receiving foreign “aid” from America to the tune of billions of dollars for as long as I remember.
Why is America so interested in Israel? I’m not entirely sure, but it is apparent that Israel is following an agenda that is being aided and abetted by the United States.
They also aren’t on friendly terms with the Iranians.
And the destabilization/control of the middle-east has been a prime focus of the American military war machine for decades. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. The simplest explanation that gets floated around is that in order to maintain global military supremacy one must ensure that the enemy does not have access to black liquid goo that strengthens military might.
Isn’t it coincidental that last month Iran reported the discovery of 53 billion barrels of oil in the southwest corner of it’s country? They’re in the top five as far as global reserves go.
But maybe it’s not all about securing the oil, although that certainly would be something any military official would advise towards in order to effectively “police” the world. Just as it is with Dune, “he who controls the spice controls the universe.”
Or… it could be something else altogether that we have little idea about. Such as whatever goes on behind closed doors at annual meetings of the Bilderberg Group or the agenda behind PNAC — The Project for the New American Century.
Of which an interesting video introduction to American imperialism/PNAC can be found here.
To sum up my opinion on what is playing out in the Middle East, all I can offer is that this is bigger than Trump merely deciding to assassinate an important political figure out of what appears to be spiteful recklessness. Decisions like this are deliberated upon by advisers and we, the common folk, are not fully aware of all the reasons as to why they are made. PNAC and the Bilderberg group offer clues, but ultimately without being given access to classified information, we can only grope around in the dark and imagine the shapes our hands are feeling. Sad, I know. That feeling of helplessness and not being able to trust our government.
The bright side of all this is that perhaps the saying “we need to break a few eggs to make an omelet” rings true in this case. Maybe the assassination of Soleimani is justified based on intel that we do not have access to. Maybe there is a long-term agenda at play here that we aren’t aware of. Maybe… just maybe, the United States is actually trying to achieve something of value that extends beyond the presidency of Donald Trump. Realizing a particular vision which does not start or end with the election of any one candidate.
The late Bill Hicks joked about the sudden about-face that newly elected Presidents experience once when they get into office.
The joke is that Presidents are puppets. Political figures are puppets.
And so are we.
The American imperialist war machine rages on despite whoever is elected. There is not much we can do other than to buckle up and voice our opposition to the use of violence as a solution.
War is hell.
God Bless America.