A wall stands before us,
It’s granite face blocks our way.
The mystery only deepens from here,
As we touch along it’s bumpy sides,
Blind. Oblivious. Questioning.
The grid is above and behind our heads,
Floating in space with faint intersecting lines,
Planets spin in the far distance,
As do the twinkling of stars.
It has come to this point,
Having avoided all rings of light,
That beckon us inside of their shimmering webs,
Dazzling with promises never to be kept.
A chime, a bell of sound,
Marks this spot,
Soft warning of this hallowed wall,
A faint electrical charge seeps through,
And tingles.
Still we press on,
As there is an opening to be discovered,
Should we desire to escape.
Should we desire to leave behind this dream.
Feel the radiance of our souls,
As we elevate to a new dimension,
A new way of being, of seeing,
Of becoming.
Of knowing and feeling.
Away, away from this trap.
The layers are being peeled,
And only nakedness remain,
As it were in the garden of our ancestors,
As it shall be at the Great Gates of Heaven.
Search brave soul, seek —
And ye shall find treasures beyond imagination,
Should you harness a sufficient understanding,
Of wisdom and all that you have forgotten.
The budding flower, the creeping worm,
A sprinkle of rain, a splash of ocean,
Water the fertile grounds of our imagination,
And let us open doors onto ourselves.
Let not the wall impede intrinsic knowing,
Your faith, your power, your heart.
For the knowledge always was and ever shall be,
That ye be created in the likeness of Gods,
And thy kingdom has always been within.
There are no walls but ones we make.
Let not belief be the enemy of knowing.
The way out is near.
The way out is through.