4 min readJan 19, 2019


That is such a hateful and ignorant misrepresentation of what I had said.

Hateful, because it’s obvious you have an axe to grind and are unwilling to have a calm and logical discussion without resorting to unfounded attacks on my character.

That’s the emotional manipulation I pointed out in my original post.

Ignorant, because you DO have the right to vote, to buy property, to work a job and to divorce from whomever you feel is oppressive and controlling and abusive towards you. How long ago was it that women were allowed to vote for? If you’re an American it would be 1920.

What is it now? 2019? Almost a hundred years later? What is the point of bringing up a wound from that long ago when clearly we have made so much progress since? Are you still blaming Germans for WWII and calling them anti-semites?

I get it. You are in pain over whatever your experiences have been with men. That’s fine, but my original point was that the media should not be further contributing to the polarization of our genders by promoting the same ignorant and hateful narrative that you are.

What do you suppose we (as men) should do about this Lindz? Equal rights has already been established. Equal pay, also, and if you disagree that this is not the case, then whatever statistics you might feel compelled to present can be refuted by looking into the cause of these numbers. Jordan Peterson, Freakonomics and others have research available for you to consider. And my own personal experience has shown that many of the women I work with routinely turn down overtime and take more sick days than we do. Of course on paper it looks like a 100k annual income vs 60k; but that’s ignorant when the true reasons for the discrepancy aren’t being examined.

I don’t think this is the best forum for us to get involved in a discussion like this. I’m more than willing to engage with you over email if you like, but I suspect it’s more important for you to publicly vent your frustration then it is to have a meaningful debate and to reach a respectful consensus for our differences of opinion.

I’ve been hurt by women in the past, and I can tell you a number of stories of men that I personally know who have been throughly screwed over by women and the system that empowers them. I’m talking about the guy who pays his ex-wife two grand a month (from a take home of 4,400), was denied custody of his kids (despite his wife being a drug addict) and is barely getting by because it was easier for her to give up on their marriage than to swallow her pride and let go of the false sense of entitlement instilled into her by brainwashed feminists who hate men.

Despite my own bitter sweet experiences with feminists and entitled women — I know better than to paint with broad strokes like you are doing. There are amazing women out there who are intelligent, compassionate and driven to make a good life for themselves and their families, and most (if not all) do not believe in feminism the way you do. They respect men without becoming a doormat for them. And they gain respect in turn. They know what they bring to the table and what their self-worth is without being delusional about it.

That’s empowerment. There is no evil scheme being perpetuated upon your sex like you are claiming. The tables have turned, wouldn’t you agree? A Gillette commercial saying that men ought to smarten up and repress their masculinity is creating further divide between the sexes. Not bringing them closer together. Imagine if Dove put out an ad telling women they ought to be more feminine and to respect men. How would that make you feel? Targeted, right? Talked down to. Discriminated against.

There’s a reason why Fifty Shades of Gray sold over 125 million copies. I suggest you think about why that is and ask yourself if a neutured and docile man is really the type of person you would want to be in a relationship with. Or for that matter, the type of man we need to bring up young boys to resemble. Maybe estrogen therapy is a solution? Get rid of all that ugly testosterone that makes murderers and rapists out of us? What’s your solution to all this strife? What kind of a man do you respect and feel attracted towards?

And no, you’re right, sex isn’t ours to demand. But we need it just the same. Physical intimacy is our thing, while emotional intimacy is yours.

My email is included in my profile if you’d like to engage further.

Take care.



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