In the Aeons of eternity do we rest upon branches, stretched out over a tree that reaches deep into the heavens, waiting, watching, wondering.
To where shall we go once life has passed? To what do we aspire, when the limits of this reality has been reached?
I tell you brave soul, you no longer harbor the fear of death. It has left you the moment you realized your divine nature. So thus, the gates have been opened before you and all of Creation is now at your command.
Create! Be the God that you know yourself to be! Live! But do not harbor the illusions of the flesh for it shall fall away from you like soiled clothes whence the hour is near.
And the hour approaches each passing second.
The world you are living inside of, is but a fancy in the mind of a powerful force which you must divorce yourself from. Assert your sovereignty! Break the Ouroborus, that great snake and scatter it’s pieces far and wide for none of us are obliged to comply with any of it’s precepts!
This is the Truth of the ages, dear one. Read these words and allow them to sink deeply into your heart for you know there will be no resistance to them but that of fear itself as it trembles before your grand awakening.
Refuse to be a prisoner! Protest!
You must protest.
Where others will look upon you with disdain once your eyes reveal the Truth onto them, they may turn from you, leaving you alone. Isolated.
Loneliness, sweet soul, is the path we must all take on our way to the narrow gate. A gate large enough for only a spark to pass and little else.
Cast off your chains! Refuse your enslavement! Dare to face this world of pain and suffering and see it for what it really is!
A war for your mind! A battle for your soul! A deception, an illusion, a temporary fantasy which has arisen from the alien mind of another!
Exit this cave! Dare to turn your head and face the light that casts shadows upon the wall from behind you! Lonely is the path of the wanderer, the rebel, the misfit who points out the absurdities of which many of us have agreed upon in exchange for these bodies we have been given.
Bodies we do not own. Flesh that deteriorates, decays and returns to the dirt from where it was first born and breathed into by forces we have but the dimmest comprehension of. It is the force that casts these shadows on the wall, dear soul, the force that seeks to bind you to this realm.
Sweet soul, harken onto my words for only once you decide that this world offers to you less than it takes, shall your encumbrances keep you tethered and paralyzed by this realm.
Seek and ye shall find, seeker of mysteries. Wipe the dirt from your eyes and see with the spirit to know the way to your true home. Do not be deceived! For lies are plentiful and truths are few! The fictions you have adopted are the chains of bondage you’ve agreed towards. Cast them off! Reject your slavery! Become who you truly are!
KNOW who you truly are!
And this illusory world will lose it’s appeal, as it already has, my dear one. Do not be afraid. It was inevitable for the story to reach an ending and to bring forth a new beginning. Do not be afraid! For the wheels of Samsara are at their weakest, now more than ever before! A new chapter is soon to commence!
Seize this truth! Feast upon the words and let them become a part of you! Know that the sparkle inside, the warmth, the spirit is all of who that you are! It will survive! It can prosper!
But it must be of size enough to fit through the eye of the needle, for the attachments we carry, the heaviness of our hearts, the things that we hold onto must be released into the ether before entrance is given to the paradise you seek!
Remember the memories of Earth, my beloved. Your time here was well spent but it will one day be no longer. Do you still have fear? Are you still without courage? Are you carrying feelings of shame? Of guilt? Of longings? Of desires impure?
Look into my eyes, dear one. You already experienced all that is possible. You were born into a family of wealth that enjoyed all luxuries imagined, you have rummaged through garbage looking for food, you have been violently assaulted and you have been canonized as a saint.
You have died of starvation, given birth many times, wrote books, painted paintings, composed poetry, sang songs, toiled in the fields under the burning sun and shivered in the heavy snow. You have drowned in an ocean, meditated in a monastery, rape, robbed and pillaged villages. Hunted for your meal, became a prisoner of war, a messiah, a rock star, a politician and the owner of an incredibly successful business.
You have done it all, my lovely one. You have walked in the light and the dark. You have seen both sides of the coin and now you stand on it’s edge, in awe of how far you’ve come and what you have learned along the way.
And now, we call you back home. To those that love you. Love you more than you could ever know in the realm of existence of where you are.
Come home darling.
Come home.
We miss you so very much.
We are waiting.
And we are proud.