Morpheus is more than a truth-teller, he is a true believer: he always has faith that the human race can win, despite overwhelming odds.
And this here, is the solution I was wondering about in my last comment to you.
Absolutely correct. Telling the truth in spite of the consequences, manages to wipe away more of the illusion with each living breath of its embodiment.
The thing about this whole Illuminati situation is that I can see it being overwritten with enough time. I believe that people like you (and I) are making a difference in the minds of others.
It’s a battle, I believe, that is eventually going to be won. Why? Because despite the power that the banks and government has, they are still made up of people. Of individuals. The only way they have power is when unethical or immoral matters are carried out as per their directive. But what happens when you get an Edward Snowden in the mix? What about individuals of more minor influence who simply talk, as you and I do, among others who happen to be in positions of power? They may have second thoughts, and as we’ve seen with Snowden, the world won’t vilify anyone who wishes to speak the truth because deep down, we desire the courage to do it as well. And many of us are showing this courage in our day to day lives. At least that’s what I’ve been seeing in my region. Even in the local news, there is a subtle shift occurring.
I’ve given up being angry at the Illuminati a long time ago. That is simply how the way things are. I don’t think that anger towards them is the answer. I think the root of their evil has causes that us common people are not likely to be in danger of (but they are). I can’t place blame on the feet of a rich billionaire when I don’t understand his motivations or his view of the world and it wouldn’t be a surprise if I thought the same way as he does, had I been in his place with his particular experiences and issues.
One thing I can blame, is the ignorance of others. This is a rot that travels both up and down the chain of command. But thanks to the internet and a growing savvy among people like you and I; I think we are making some progress in the right direction. It’ll take time, but I’m optimistic that this can and will be done.
This is the beginning of a new chapter for ourselves. The only real concern I have at the moment is with China and their social credit system. That shit is terrifying and is far worse than what we are presently dealing with.