I agree with you Fola, but diversity quotas and “fair” representation in films makes for an experience that is not immersive or believable. We cannot possibly ensure that each film has the right number of Latinos, Asians, whites, blacks or that LGBT is fairly represented.
Had LOTR been made today, it would feature a white hobbit, a black hobbit, a female purple-haired hobbit and a gay Asian and still, people would complain about fair representation. I realize my white-privilege is showing, but there is a time and place for these things and certain types of actors are needed for certain roles based on merit rather than social entitlement. For instance, I’d love to see Idris Elba play James Bond but I sure wouldn’t want to see Gillian Anderson play a female version of that same character. It’s not at all what Ian Fleming intended or wrote. Same goes for other films where such representation adds little or nothing to the story being told.
Appreciate your response :)