1 min readFeb 8, 2019


Good read. I think mediating is almost interchangeable with daydreaming and not being distracted by technology, relationships or the environment. I’m not even sure if detachment from thoughts/emotions is necessary as some practioners claim.

What I think the obvious benefit is, is taking time to go within. We expend energy externally throughout most of our day, and rarely do we stop to cultivate or send energy inwards.

An analogy I like to use, is meditation is like fasting for the soul. It clears out all the junk we’ve accumulated and helps in accessing the deeper and wiser aspects of our true nature. The side of ourselves that is pure and untainted by society, conditioning and ego. That’s usually where “answers” and inspirations come from. This untainted innocent spirit that resides in each of us. Living Buddhas within.

I admire you’ve kept up a commitment for 15 years to mediate. My habit is to park somewhere isolated and let my mind wander off for twenty minutes or so. It’s just as good as sitting in a lotus position while forming a mudra, in my opinion.



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