Faking An Alien Invasion

8 min readJan 15, 2020


(note: I am challenging myself to write every day for 30 days. What follows may not necessarily be interesting or even coherent. Parental discretion is advised.)

Over the past couple of years, American media and media in general have been warming up to the idea of reporting on UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) as they’re now called.

It’s interesting. Have a gander at a few of the videos and reports within the past year alone.

I don’t know about you, but I think it is absolutely bizarre and out of character for CNN / ABC / FOX to be giving this type of attention towards a subject that for too long has been dismissed and hand-waved away.

What is especially telling about the video above is that the puppet heads are using phrases like, “technology we’ve never seen before” and “life out there?” to present these videos. This is unusual because normally such reports are accompanied by laughter, jokes or shoulder-shrugs of bafflement without much seriousness.

2017 was the year when the New York Times released an article that described a covert program within the Defense Department called “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” AATIP. Although Pentagon officials claimed that this program was decommissioned in 2012, the New York Times and their mysterious sleuthing ways determined that the program was still being funded, albeit by anonymous means.

This is not a surprise given the long history of UFO investigation from the 1950s and on. Fighter pilots during WWII described what were known as “Foo Fighters” which did not involve Dave Grohl or guitar-playing — but rather unknown objects that flew at incredible speeds next to ordinary ol’ rickety planes. Here is an actual photo of one of them.

It was in 1952 when the Defense Department decided to allocate resources to figuring out just what the hell these orbs and thingamajigs were. In response to the many eyewitnesses sightings being reported of UFOs — Project Bluebook began to catalog and investigate each of them.

From 1952 to 1970 when Bluebook was officially “terminated” (ha!) the project had 12,816 entries of individual sightings of which 701 of them had no explanation provided for. No ball lightnings, swamp gases or hubcaps dangling on strings were acceptable refutations of these cases.

Now you may be wondering what does any of this have to do with staging a fake alien invasion? Well, my dear reader, let us briefly run through the benefits.

The entire world would unite

Remember what Ronald Reagan once said in his speech to the United Nations in 1987 about alien invasions? Of course you don’t, so here it is:

“Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize the common bond,” Reagan told diplomats from all over the planet. “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

Now, Reagan may not have been expecting a UFO invasion but he certainly believed in aliens enough to ponder on what such an event could result in. Not a surprise since he’s been rumored to have seen a UFO himself.

He’s right, I feel. As a UFO enthusiast from childhood on — I’ve thought about this same idea as well. Either Jesus has to come back or UFOs need to contact/invade Earth so that we can all put aside petty ideological differences and unite as one for a common cause.

Any catastrophe might be able to accomplish this. Including an EMP strike or a massive solar flare that destroys the power grid of the planet. No longer would we insulate ourselves from our neighbors and communities if we had to depend on one another for survival. We’d put aside our iPads and Qurans and UNITE!

It’ll bring about a New World Order

Like Reagan, other presidents have expressed a desire for a one-world government. Such as this fellow who speaks of “a New World Order” no less than four times with starry-eyed wistfulness and optimism.

That first speech was made on September 11th, 1990 just so you know. Exactly 11 years before 9/11. Coincidink? Possibly, maybe not.

In addition to that speech, there is evidence of collusion among powerful groups and what we call “secret societies” such as Skull & Bones, the Bilderberg Group and Project For the New American Century (PNAC) that each have promoted one-world something or another.

Want more? Check out the Georgia Guidestones which has the following statements inscribed upon them. To this day, it is not publicly known who erected these stones in the first place.

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature.

Georgia Guidestones.. Reagan… Bush… Secret societies… Freemasons... New Age gurus, LARPers…yada, yada. All these groups each carry an agenda to promote their vision of a New World Order. To be honest, some of these ideas sound kind of decent if not potentially oppressive beyond imagining.

One of the reasons why I have such an interest in the subject of UFOs is really about the psychological and spiritual transformation that would occur should aliens make themselves known to us in a big and bold way.

For instance, say that aliens landed on the white house lawn and held a press conference where they speak in perfect English answering whatever questions are pitched to them. We all know that one of these questions will be about the existence of a God or Jesus. What would happen if these beings revealed that there is a God and that they are in direct communication with Him/She/It?

Or if instead, what if they light up a spliff and say, “hey… WE are tha Godz” and drop the mic? What then?!

The world would become an ideological blood bath and from the ashes would rise this new way of thinking that could replace Christianity, Islam, Judaism and convert Atheists should such information be demonstrated and proven to our satisfaction.

We would believe whatever the aliens believe, quite likely, assuming we find them benevolent and trustworthy enough to take seriously.

But if it is an invasion, then we are set up to be “programmed” to have our beliefs tweaked in a different way. We would know that we are no longer at the center of the universe. That we are technologically inferior and unevolved and generally stoopid.

This kind of belief would be dangerous because it could lead us all to feeling deserving of becoming slaves. Either to our government, or to the aliens themselves. We’d have to choose a side.

The fake alien invasion idea has been floated around conspiracy circles for quite some time now. It was first started in 1994 by a Quebec journalist named Serge Monast who wrote a book entitled “Project Bluebeam (NASA)” and then, along with a journalist friend of his, both mysteriously died of heart attacks two years later in 1996. Dun, dun dunnnnnn….

There are some scary allegations that Monast made about Project Bluebeam. The idea behind it is to present to the world a “savior” figure (anti-christ?) that people would subjugate themselves towards. Project Bluebeam was to use advanced holographic technology to create inexplicable phenomena such as angels in the sky or a “God” speaking to mankind. Bluebeam would also incorporate technology that creates the feeling of telepathic communication, which actually can be mimicked with a device available to us today. Imagine a military-grade version of that.

Now, what is most scary about Project Bluebeam is what happens during and after this technology is deployed. After swearing an oath to “Lucifer” (Monast’s words, not mine) the population will be categorized as thus:

  1. Christian children will be kept for human sacrifice or sexual slaves.
  2. Prisoners to be used in medical experiments.
  3. Prisoners to be used as living organ banks.
  4. Healthy workers in slave labour camps.
  5. Uncertain prisoners in the international re-education center, thence to repent on television and learn to glorify the New World Order.
  6. The international execution centre.
  7. An as yet unknown seventh classification.

Shiver me timbers, a pirate might say, or yourself even and yeah… That’s some scary stuff.

Then again, we’ve been dealing with scary stuff for years now. Every year there is some conspiracy. Some war. Some terrible idea or group or evil that is to be confronted and the world carries on as it does. Still in one piece.

However ludicrous the idea of a fake alien invasion is, there does seem to be many persons and groups of power that favor the notion of establishing a one-world government. It seems to be an idea that may at some point come to fruition. All we can do is speculate upon the how and when.

Aliens. The second coming of Christ. A new and horrible infectious disease, EMPs, nukes, solar flares, economic enslavement, dank memes… there are many different avenues that can allow for a one-world government to come into being. Thanks to globalization, we no longer are as distanced from one another as we used to be. Information travels fast, and so would aliens should they land and announce their supremacy.

Could this be what the media is preparing us for? An invasion or an announcement? Is an agenda of some kind being followed and executed upon?

I will conclude by leaving you with a warning provided by the reputable folks over at Bibliotecapleyades, a website stringent in its tireless pursuit of the Truth.



You heard it here, folks. Contact your representatives and tell them what you’ve learned.

The fate of the world may depend on you taking action and soon.

Beam me up Scotty.



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