Crystal Tears^

2 min readNov 11, 2022


Photo by Jason D on Unsplash

I weep for this world of ignorance,
for humankind to have willingly enslaved themselves,
Caught in a trap of a door that they walked through,
Beckoned inside by the devil himself.

I weep for this world of fools,
the old and the young alike,
Who do not hold Truth as their highest aim,
Shackling themselves with tepid illusions.

I weep for this world of apathy,
the numbness of hearts and intellectual seeking;
Ignorant fools oblivious to the evils upon them,
Mocking those desperate to show them the way.

I weep for this world of godlessness,
populated by a great many empty shells,
Humans in name only;
The sleepwalking bastards of divine creation.

I weep further for the manipulations to come,
that will ensnare these fools even further,
For they know not what they do,
And perhaps should not this time be forgiven.

I weep for what many have become,
robots made rigid by their programming,
With blank eyes unable to see,
And clouded minds unable to think.

I cry these crystal tears,
watching them fall onto the ground,
Growing into reflective puddles,
From which my heartache can be seen.

But ignore these cries of mine,
do what “Thou Wilt”,
Let thy ignorance be the whole of the law!
And dance to the tunes of the damned you have selected among you.

Photo by Sivani Bandaru on Unsplash

Like foolish obedient marionettes —

The many of which you are. 💉💀💉

Dance puppet.


Don’t forget your pronouns.

And don’t forget to support LGBTQMAP+/Ukraine. 🌈😘



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