Absolutely agree with most of this, but I do believe destiny plays a part in whom we meet and become involved with. My life has been full of coincidences and lessons that seem almost supernatural. If anyone believes in the idea of reincarnation, it seems likely that we would share lifetimes with others we’ve known before in the past.
Twin flames, soulmates… These are labels that help in identifying the strangeness that comes from meeting someone new and yet feeling instant recognition on a level that is difficult to explain. Instant connection and knowing with a stranger has been a rarity for me and others as well, I’d imagine. But because we don’t understand why that is, it is human nature to label and classify such occurrences. These labels may not be accurate, but they provide a framework which helps in coming to an understanding of the phenomenon.
Regardless of whether such things as soulmates exist, you’re right about the work needing to be put in. No matter how good a connection is, sacrifice, understanding, compassion and respect are all still needed for that magical happily ever after ending. Soulmate or not.