2 min readJan 12, 2019


A book, newspaper, or magazine is a “screen” in the sense that it is a rectangle that displays information.

Mind = blown. I never did think to look at reality quite like that. It seems like an over-simplification except that it isn’t.

Also, what you said about Trump should be considered more throughly in my opinion. No one (excepting those of limited awareness) wanted Clinton in office, and nobody (including her) thought that Trump would win. Is he an idiot? Well… Sure, in a sense. But at the very least, we can both agree that a Clinton presidency would have furthered the agenda of the “Architects” even if (I admit) that is what Trump is doing anyways.

Had it been Sanders instead of Clinton in the running, then yes, feel bad for those that got Trump into power. However, there is a victory to be realized here with Trump. It is an indication of the weakening of control that these architects have over the voters. I still remember the media coverage leading up to the election. Hardly anyone thought Trump was going to win. Michael Moore is the only person I remember watching who acknowledged the real possibility of it. All the polls showed a Clinton win by the landslide and in spite of all the negativity and dirt being reported on against Trump, he still managed to win. It’s quite an achievement. It demonstrated the influence of the media which is largely controlled by a small number of players in the States and showed that they aren’t as powerful as they think themselves to be.

So, again, a victory for the American people. That collective voice means something and democracy isn’t a completely dysfunctional system of government.

I’m still mindful of the rigged Diebold machines and shady dealings in Ohio and Florida that won Bush both elections. Its satisfying to see payback.

Your write-up on North Korea expresses my opinion and I like how you broke the situation down to simple digestible pieces. However, what was the original event that put North Korea and their nukes on the American radar? Did NK threaten Americans first, or was it in retaliation to something else? I can’t remember the original provocation clearly, but I have a vague sense that this happened around when Iraq was being invaded. Oops, I mean, “liberated” so that would place this conflict around 2004 I think.

Also, interesting that we didn’t go up against Iran despite what the propaganda machine was telling us. Another victory perhaps? Are we slowly loosening our chains?

Lastly on the subject of extraterrestrial beings; what is your opinion as to why their existence is being suppressed? I haven’t gone through all your articles yet, so maybe you’ve provided the answer already.

Anyways, I’m looking forward to reading part 3 and learning more about your views. Good job with this one!



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