(note: I am challenging myself to write every day for 30 days. What follows may not necessarily be interesting or even coherent. Parental discretion is advised.)
Much like Jim Carrey’s character in the movie “23”, I’ve been seeing numbers a lot lately. Yeah, so what, right? Numbers are everywhere. But I’ve been seeing one specific set of numbers and that’s 33.
Take yesterday for instance, I joined a live chat in a YouTube video and was the 33rd person in the room. Left a comment on a Facebook video at exactly 33 seconds in. Sent my girl a text with a picture of another 33 I saw only for me to see a car with 33 on its license plate a minute later. She’s also 33 years old.
Every day for the past month or so, I’ve been seeing examples of 33s.
Look… there it is is again in this trailer…
…Not actually a trailer, but its what came up in my search.
Its so strange. In the past I’ve approached this phenomenon by dismissing it as confirmation bias. When we become sensitive to a pair of numbers, we tend to look for it more often than we normally would. I could tell you right now to keep the number 82 in mind and confirmation bias would have 82 popping up here and there throughout your day as long as you’re alert to it.
But here is the thing, what I’ve been experiencing lately is occurring without my looking for it. It seems like my eye gets naturally drawn to the number 33 wherever it appears. In paying attention to this, I’m also noting how often I’ve been seeing other repetitive sets of #s and 44/22 are two others that appear but not nearly as frequently as 33 does.
It’s somewhat kooky whenever you come across a video like this and people are all like, “yeah! 11:11! woot woot!” but… there is something intriguing in what this kind of pattern recognition implies.
For awhile, I kept seeing 1111s as well, though not nearly as much as I used to. Interesting how that faded off.
So what does it all mean when we see repeating numbers in our lives? The general consensus that New-Agers subscribe towards is that these are “angel” numbers of which each mean something specific is being communicated towards you.
Let’s look at what 1111 is supposed to mean:
Angel number 1111 is a special message from your guardian angels indicating your ability to connect with the Ascended Masters in the angelic realm. It is your connection with the angelic realm, God, or Source Energy that determines your ability to manifest your desires and achieve your full potential.
Now, examine the meaning of 33:
Angel Number 33. Angel number 33 is an auspicious sign from your angels that you are in alignment with your divine creative source and able to manifest whatever you desire into form. … When numbers are repeated in a series, they gain a great deal of power to influence people and events.
There really isn’t any difference between 1111 and 33. Let’s try a random number… Hmm.. oh, 23.
Angel Number 23 is a message that the angels and Ascended Masters are assisting you with maintaining your faith and trust in the Universe as you work diligently to manifest your highest desires and aspirations. When feeling doubt or fear ask your angels for help and guidance as they are with you always.
Strange how it all kind of blends in together. The general theme is that you are supported in the realization of your potential and ambitions.
One more… 71.
Angel Number 71 is a message from the angels that you will experience good fortune which will lead to the manifestation of your heart’s desires. It is the energy of ‘just rewards’ and indicates that you are on the right path in every way.
Okay okay… I’m going to go ONE more… Hmm.. 52.
Angel Number 52 is a message that the changes occurring will bring about improvements and positive opportunities that will benefit your life on all levels. It is a reminder from your angels to have faith and trust in yourself, your choices and who you are within.
So what is there to make of these “messages” when they’re all generally about positive life choices and being supported by celestial beings that somehow uh… steer you to seeing these numbers all the time? Why communicate THAT way instead of, you know, telling you these things in a dream? Or heck, deliver a message directly without any confusion or ambiguity?
Because that would be too easy, that’s why.
Still, despite my seeing 33s and knowing that I’m being supported by angels and ascended masters, I can’t help but think that there is something else involved that these interpretations are not touching upon.
I mentioned confirmation bias earlier, but what if there’s another explanation? What if we actually do live in a stimulated reality and that repeating sets of numbers ARE some form of communication? But from who? And what, exactly, is being said apart from angels wanting to give a high-five and shows of support?
After looking up various number meanings, I can’t say that I feel the angel numbers are the correct way of interpreting these messages. Assuming they are messages being sent from beyond the veil.
Because think about it, if somehow you are being directed to seeing a certain number over and over, then it means your actions are being influenced externally. You are being coaxed into a situation that all the right parts and pieces align so you see a specific set of numbers. The car with the 33 license plate I saw yesterday was a real person who had to wake up at a certain time, drive to a certain place, slow down/speed up all so I could see this number. There are so many variables in the mix that we have to accept reality as being a simulation to believe these numbers are a form of communication. That’s the only way I can reconcile this theory.
And again, these are not effective means of communication. Not every one knows what “1111” is supposed to mean if they keep seeing it. Also, who exactly came up with the “meaning” of each of these number patterns? Who was the person that first went: “oh, 33 means this and this”. How was the definition originally arrived at to mean what they are claiming it to be?
I definitely do believe that extra/intra-dimensional communication can and does happen. I do believe in synchronicity and that coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous. I do believe there is some overlap between creating our own reality and having our reality created for us. I also strongly believe that there is Truth in numbers. Numbers are constants, they appear everywhere in the universe. They are a means of apprehending quantity, quality and can explain complex ideas in a simplistic way.
Not much different than the “code” we saw in the Matrix. If you can read the numbers, you can see the patterns and ideas behind them.
In that scene, Cypher talks about how he doesn’t even “see” the numbers anymore. He sees blond, brunette, redhead and this is where movies like the Matrix really shine. They seem to communicate a deeper truth that exists outside of our conscious awareness. We KNOW there is something to it.
But… repeating sets of numbers aren’t the cut and dry of what numerologists and angel-number fanatics claim them to be. At least not according to my experience. The way I have been interpreting 33 lately is that there exists a constant and that constant indicates a connection of some kind. That’s the barest minimum of what I can accept as 100% truth when considering this phenomenon. Everything else is speculation.
Because, let’s face it, if we’ve established a science of numbers that operate logically and conveys information as to the fabric of our reality — then everything from predicting the stock market to curing cancer and communicating with God and aliens and angels and ascended masters should all be possible.
This is where I segue into quantum computing. A quantum computer is a style of number processing that uses teeny tiny particles called “qubits” to calculate information. If quantum “supremacy” is achieved, this means that a quantum computer will become more powerful than the most powerful supercomputer we have at the moment which is this beast here called the “Summit” developed by IBM.
This crazy machine takes up the space of TWO tennis courts, drinks up 4,000 gallons of water to keep itself cool and has 37,000 processors in it. It can perform 200 quadrillion (yes, that’s a LOT) calculations per second and is roughly a million times more powerful than a standard laptop. Million. Quadrillions. My, oh my.
And a quantum computer can handily beat this bad boy.
So how does this relate to my seeing 33 everyplace? It doesn’t, really, but a quantum computer could in theory employ pattern-recognition algorithms to figure out if there are indeed messages coming to us from the other side.
The continued improvement of artificial intelligence paired with quantum computing means that someday we will able to decode the Matrix — our reality, and see everything for what it is. If we can translate analog information into digital ones and zeros, no problem would be too great to solve.
Think about cancer research for example. There ARE effective means of treatment but we don’t know for sure what works. A quantum computer has the capability to process all recorded cases of cancer as well as all cases of successful recovery and discover patterns which could result in finding a cure. And it can do this ridiculously fast if given the right information and algorithms to work with.
This is scary stuff when placed in the wrong hands, but it underscores the importance of numbers in our world. The symbols of 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on represents in a binary way, the composition of what reality actually is with great precision.
If you saw a movie and I asked you to rate it on a scale of one to ten, I can have a good idea of how much you liked it by comparing your rating to ratings made in the past. The same goes for using numbers to describe how you’re feeling and all the variables involved in these calculations can be reduced to numbers as well. Your mood that day, your preferences, the weather — it can all be represented by ones and zeros.
Think about the predictive power behind all that. Imagine weather forecasts that are actually accurate. Or algorithms that easily predict what movie you would enjoy watching based on a set of past data.
So… Yes. I’ve been seeing 33 all over the place and it is meaningful in a way that I cannot interpret with any accuracy other than to accept that there is a connection of some type that I am in resonance with. What that connection is or means, I have yet to know.
Maybe we do live in a simulation. Maybe we are seeing the “code” but don’t know what to make of it.
Someday we will.